
How to Get Etching Ink Into Tubes by greg brophy

Lately I have been working on some small tutorials on Photogravure and printing. Here is the first one about getting ink into tubes. The reason I do this is to save the ink from drying out and to also save custom blends for large projects.

How to get etching inks into tubes.

Nuarc 26-1K photos of the inside by greg brophy

Recently I have had a few people ask me for photos of the inside of my Nuarc. Mine is a little different in that I have removed the vacuum button and placed it else where so that I can use it with other light sources. Here are the photos for others who may have bought a used one or might need to see where things are connected. 



back of front panel. The empty hole on the left is where the vacuum guage was. 

back of front panel. The empty hole on the left is where the vacuum guage was. 

The back where the power cord comes in

The back where the power cord comes in


Where the power cord attaches


Right side back panel


The whole back panel with the light integrator in the center


Contributions by greg brophy

I have spent a over a year learning carbon printing without one good print that I would be willing to hang. I have spent a considerable amount of money learning this process. The same goes for Platinum/Palladium printing. I have stacks of paper and material that will never see the light of day.

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Photopolymer Printing by greg brophy

A short post about Photopolymer printing and some instructions on how to do it. 

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