black and white

A Return to Willets Point Part 2 by greg brophy

As I wrote in the previous post "A Return to Willets Point" I went back to take some more photos and see how much of the area has changed. While walking through the area I saw a group of men doing body work on a car and spotted this guy covered in Bondo. I asked his name but didn't want to say but let me take his photo. 

Blanco y Rojo

Around the corner we met John who was eating some birthday cake. He was hesitant to have his photo taken but he agreed in the end. On a side note, most people there do not want to have their photo taken. It takes about 3 trips for them to see me and feel comfortable. 

Cake and Eat it Too

Since we came back we also brought prints with us from the last time we were there. We meet up with Frank who is also know as Ponchee. Here is his photo from the first time we met: 

Then known as Frank

Ponchee now

On my first trip I took a photo of two sisters selling drinks. We could not find them again but we meet their brother Ricki. He gave the photo we took of his sisters to them.


Behold Blog by greg brophy

The Persistence of Steel

This past Sunday, I was honored to have a piece about "The Iron Triangle" series posted on the Behold blog on Slate by David Rosenberg. Check it out here.

Daily Pics October 23th, 2014 by greg brophy

My wife sells candles on here site Ooh La La Petite Boutique, and for the last few weeks we have been going to Greenpoint a lot to buy supplies but also to sell to a few stores there. I saw this place one night and fell in love with the old signs. Their is something I love about taking photos of Laundromats.

Wash and Dry

Daily Pics October 21th, 2014 by greg brophy

An Old Schoolhouse in Connecticut. Ever since I started making Platinum Prints, I have really learned a lot about tones and subtlety. I used to crank things up to 11, but now I have more of an appreciation for a full and subtle tonal range.

Connecticut Schoolhouse

Daily Pics October 20th, 2014 by greg brophy

I don't remember when I took this, but it must have been a long time ago because I took it with the Digital Medium Format Camera I used to use. Obviously it is not a Blockbuster with only two people there. I believe this is in the Bronx

Blockbuster Video

Daily Pics September 21th, 2014 by greg brophy

The market in Albania always makes for some great photos. Having the GX7 really helped with not standing out too much.

Albanian Market

Daily Pics by greg brophy

I have been very busy lately and it is easy to get lost in a project. Most of my work lately is project based and it can take years to fully develop. I was reading some photo theory books and one photographer was talking about the importance of taking photos everyday. The need for practice of framing, composition and to maybe spark new ideas. So based on that idea I am going to post a photo a day. They are not so much project based but a way to keep my eye sharp. They will not really have a theme other than something that caught my eye.

The first photo I am posting is shows construction next to the Highline. I was testing a new 15mm Pana/Leica lens I bought recently. I hope you enjoy.

The Tower of Babel

Bergen Community College Exhibition by greg brophy


My work from "Where the Ocean Meets the Shore" will be displayed at a group show in the Bergen Community College from October 1st to December 4th, 2013. Join me at the reception on Tuesday October 15th from 5:30 to 7:30pm. The show is located at:

Bergen Community College
400 Paramus Road
West Hall, Third Floor
Paramus, New Jersey 07652

I am also honored to be part of a panel discussion on Tuesday, October 22, 12:20 to 1:40pm, Room A-104.

Some test photos from my Agfa Isolette III by admin

I recently acquired an Agfa Isolette III with a Apotar 85mm f/3.5 Lens from I paid around $40.00 for it. The camera is an old fashioned medium format rangefinder from the 60’s. It’s a quirky camera with an uncoupled rangefinder where you peer through the window, focus and then read from the dial on top and then change the lens on the front to match the settings of the rangefinder. Let’s just say it’s not an action type of camera. It also has no light meter either so it really is manual in a lot of ways. The maximum shutter speed is 300th of a second so it can present a problem on really sunny days, but it is a really compact and discreet camera and great for walking around with everyday in NYC. The main problem with these cameras is that the bellows almost always have problems. The lenses usually have problems as well. They usually stick below a 25th of a second. I plan on sending mine to get a new bellows and the lens cleaned by Jurgen from I have not tried him yet, but he has a lot of good information on the cameras. I also found this site: to be very helpful with repairs.

Below are some photos I took with the camera. I used HP5 and developed them at home with Kodak HC110. They are a little noisy because the lens speeds I think is not accurate, but I plan on testing and fixing that soon. I will also have some color photos as well.

A test with the Agfa Isolette III

A test with the Agfa Isolette III

A test with the Agfa Isolette III