The famous Street Photographer Louis Mendes. You can usually find him photographing people in front of B&H Photo
This past weekend Eni and I with some friends went to Photoville. I had gone to the first one years ago and have not been back since usually because I had a conflict with the time. This year I was shocked at the size of the show. It has really grown tremendously. I really enjoyed the work of Rita Leistner "Looking for Marshall McLuhan in Afganistan" She printed them out as 4 color Gum Bichromate over Platinum. A Process I am trying to learn myself right now. Not only did she have the work, but she also included how she did the process. I also really admired the work of Daniel Berehulak "Scenes from the Ebola Crisis" from the New York Times. I have seen the work before but it is always a pleasure seeing the actual prints and the impact that they have. The one that really struck a chord was Stephanie Sinclair "Too Young to Wed" The work really stands out pictorially and emotionally. The photos show couples who are about to be wed where the man is 40 and the girl is 11. It covers places like Afghanistan and Guatemala where women are basically the property of the men and nothing more. One woman had been repeatedly stabbed by her husband because she disobeyed him. when asked what will happen to the husband, the female officer said nothing, Men are like Kings here. The female officer was later killed by the Taliban. "Upstate Girls: Unraveling Collar City" was visually overwhelming and very interesting in how it was displayed. Their were so many great photos it was hard to concentrate on them. Last but not least was "Constructed Identites" Curated by Crusade for Art Brooklyn. I took a workshop with Jennifer Schwartz who founded Crusade for Art. The work there was some of the most interesting there.
Eni with downtown Manhattan in the background
Us enjoying one of the last warms days before Fall.